RH Timer

Timer RH




How to add a timer?

Use the command add timer "{value}"

tell application "Timer RH"
    add timer "15m Break #green"
end tell

The value syntax is the same as on the main window of Timer RH app.

also you can specify label and color separately from timer value

tell application "Timer RH"
    add timer "10:00" label "Meeting" color blue
end tell

If everything is ok, the command will return the identifier of the new timer.

to add a stopwatch:

tell application "Timer RH"
    add timer "stopwatch Work #red"
end tell

Need to wait until the timer expires?

Use the command wait to {state} of timer with id {timer id}

tell application "Timer RH"
    set timerID to add timer "15m Break #green"
    with timeout of 24 * 60 * 60 seconds
        wait to fire of timer with id timerID
    end timeout
end tell

How to manage the timer?

The following commands are available: pause, start, restart, cancel.

tell application "Timer RH"
    set timerID to add timer "10AM Task XL #yellow"
    pause timer with id timerID
    start timer with id timerID
    restart timer with id timerID
    cancel timer with id timerID
end tell

Need something else?

Any questions or suggestions send to my email: support@3bitlab.com

Thank you for using
RH Timer